°Û Þ Þ /Contents/Frameworks/amework/Versions/A Ý Ý Û° °Û Þ Þ /Contents/Resources/AMTEmu/painter.ini Ý Ý Û° °Û Þ Þ /Contents/Resources/AMTEmu/amtlib Ý Ý Û° Open AMTEmu (use 'Show Package Contents' options) and copy Ý Û° °Û Þ if the required component will be deleted. Edit options in the painter.ini file using any text editor for Ý Û° °Û Þ Copy IMSLib.dylib stub to /Contents/Frameworks/ if required. °Û Þ The configuration files should be named painter.ini. °Û Þ Þ AMT Library version, example 7.x.x.x Ý Ý Û° °Û Þ Þ Use INI or use default options Ý Ý Û° °Û Þ the same directory where lib is stored. °Û Þ Forces the specific language for apps. °Û Þ Note: some apps can have no support for the selected language. °Û Þ Apps are using this function to find the path to the file IMSLib.dylib Ý Û° °Û Þ Replaces the Adobe's authentication library with a stub.
°Û Þ (which is the authentication library). °Û Þ If it is required to return the path to the installed AAM, then this Ý Û° °Û Þ redirect all paths to the current framework directory.